M-Tac has released a new morale patch dedicated to the warrior glory of the Vikings and Scythian mythology. In the 8th-11th centuries, Vikings were skilled warriors who earned the title of invincible.
The design of the patch is based on the magical Viking symbol, the Helmet of Terror (Ægishjálmur). This is one of the most powerful and mysterious symbols in Norse mythology. The symbol consists of 8 combined runes that look like a fish skeleton with a trident at the end. Ægishjálmur was worn by warriors and magi who firmly believed in victory. The magic seal was invented by two gods: the heavenly father Odin and his beloved son - Thor, the god of thunder.
Also visible on the patch is Thor's hammer (Mjölnir), which has enormous destructive potential. Its effect is magnified when combined with the Helmet of Terror. Such a tool had magical properties and hit enemies like a boomerang. According to the legend, this symbol induced a paralyzing terror on the enemy and was so powerful that they fell into a state of stu stu stupefaction. It is capable of demoralizing the enemy, putting opponents into a state of panic, and, in some cases, brutally destroying them.
The Helm of Terror is also called the Cross of Invincibility. It was believed that warriors bearing this mark were invincible in battle and would fight not for life, but for death, until their last breath.
- Material: 500D Cordura;
- Dimensions: 85 x 52 mm.